We lose up to 100 hairs a day and new ones grow in their place. This is a
completely natural process. Sometimes, however, our hair falls out, but the
damaged follicle does not produce new ones in their place.
The problem of excessive hair loss affects not only men but they feel it the most
acutely, because women have more ways to hide it. It is not appropriate for a man
to wear wigs or hair accessories in the form of scarves, etc. The so-called typical
man also adheres to the principle that if something is used for bathing, it can also
be used to wash hair. And this is where the problems with maintaining the proper
condition of the scalp and hair begin. Alopecia, from the Latin alopecia, is a disease
symptom consisting in the progressive disappearance of hair production in the hair
follicle. The hair roots become smaller and the hair follicle weakens. Therefore, the
hair begins to fall out faster and new ones, much weaker and thinner, grow in their
place. This process affects the hair on the head, although not all areas of the head
are equally susceptible to it. That is why bends usually appear or the hair loses
density on the top of the head. The most common type of hair loss is androgenetic
alopecia. It is caused by the sensitivity of the hair follicle to a derivative of
testosterone. (Here's the answer to a common question - Yes, increased
testosterone levels are related to the condition of the hair) Under its
influence, the hair follicle produces thinner and weaker hair, while itself being
reduced. At the end of this process, the follicle produces only a short hair without
dye. To remedy this, it is necessary to act to strengthen the hair follicle.
There are many products available on the market that strengthen hair follicles and
bulbs. From my own experience, I can recommend Aminexil. It is a measure
developed by L'Oreal against baldness, in which kopexil (under the name aminexil)
is the active substance. Preliminary clinical studies showed a decrease in the
percentage of hair in the resting phase (telogen) and a significant increase in the
share of hair in the growth phase (anagen). That is, the process of dying and
weakening of the hair follicles was inhibited. At the same time, there was a
significant increase in the number of hairs growing properly, stronger and thicker.
The likely reason for the effectiveness of kopexil is the increase in the survival of
the hair follicles. This is due to the inhibition of collagen formation around the
follicles. Collagen weakens the bulb and leads to hair loss earlier than their average
growth period. Extending the "lifespan" of the hair results from the anti-fibrotic
properties of kopexil.
Alopecia, as a disease state, may be a symptom of some ailments, the body's
reaction to medications taken, or it may be an independent disease syndrome.
Due to the genetic characteristics of the patient, it can also be an inherited condition.
Determining the specific causes of alopecia is possible after examining the patient's
health condition. There is no one universal cause of the disease. The most common
pathogenic factors include the use of certain medications, ionizing radiation, heavy
metal poisoning, genetic predisposition, certain diseases, stress factors, hormonal
changes, nutritional deficiencies, hygienic negligence and too intensive
or too frequent cosmetic treatments.
Since there is no single cause of excessive hair loss, there is also no perfect remedy
that works in every case. However, preventive measures and proper care of the
scalp and hair will significantly reduce this problem or eliminate it completely.
Since it is much easier to prevent than to treat, let's remember about our hair every
day. If we notice the initial symptoms of excessive hair loss, consult our hairdresser and